The CBD Nightcap Old Fashioned

The CBD Nightcap Old Fashioned is our alcohol-free take on the classic cocktail, with complex notes of wood and bright spice from Three Spirit's Nightcap and citrusy, floral notes from the lemongrass and cacao in our bitters.

A great evening wind-down drink, it combines the relaxing properties of Three Spirit’s Nightcap with the presence and clarity given by OTO CBD Bitters for an indulgent, dreamy digestif.

5 dashes of OTO CBD Bitters
50ml Three Spirit Nightcap

Combine all ingredients in a whisky-style glass and fill with ice. Stir until ice-cold, garnish with an orange slice, and a top with a maraschino cherry.

£69 £59

OTO CBD Bitters

winter tonic cbd cocktail