Helen Cain Explains how CBD and Spa are a perfect combination

What sold me on OTO, was the scent of the product. 

The minute I smelt OTO’s products; I knew that their products needed to be brought into the spa industry. 

The real benefit to the spa industry of infusing OTO CBD is the additional intensity it adds to the treatment method; we infuse the products with essential oils, lending itself to the beautiful aroma of a spa experience and not the earthy terpenes of hemp. Each of our oils have been formulated to bring you into a moment. In order to amplify someone in our signature treatment; you have to think about the essential oils that would uplift and energise, Bitter Orange is rejuvenating and refreshing. 

CBD within the Spa Treatment 

Layering CBD throughout the treatment to give them the optimum amount means clients will walk away with the best benefits and an opportunity for one to understand the positive impact CBD can have when incorporating it into their daily routine. It really is a consultation as well as a treatment, analysing what best suits the individual. 

Bringing the spa and wellness element together, we offer an experience that's not just going to affect you physically but also psychologically. If you think about the trends in beauty this year it’s all about minimalism, tailoring back your products. There are receptors in our skin from the endocannabinoid system and therefore oils are an easy way of bringing CBD into your life. A sensory experience that not only feels nice but treats you from within. It’s a win-win for both the therapists and the clientele; they both experience the benefits of sound therapy and CBD, with the ultimate aim of creating homeostasis, or balance, in the body. 

OTO Spa designed with therapists in mind

I felt that if therapists were well educated, it would give them the tools and confidence, when explaining and using CBD, to enhance the experience for the client. The CIBTAC accreditation is an international qualification in the OTO experiences. Not many suppliers do that, normally it’s an in-house certificate. 

One of the biggest problems for therapists is working back to back on massages. I wanted to create something that was user friendly from a therapist's perspective, concentrating on their welfare rather than just the supplier's welfare. That’s why the experiences are very tailored back, with simple underlying routines. The use of the bamboo provides a tool to perform the deep tissue movement rather than over-use of the therapist's arms and wrists. 

The other big block in the industry is that; a very low proportion of spas revenue comes from retail sales. We have brought elements of our retail range into the treatment; the Seltzer, the Roller-Ball, and our Eye treatment. That’s a bonus for the therapist because they don’t need to work so hard to bring elements of retail into the treatment. 


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