Top 4 Tips for Every Day Improved Wellbeing

World Wellbeing week may be over, but at OTO we believe self care is an every day, year round job.⁠ That’s why we asked our OTO team to share their top tips for a healthy, happy life - day in, and day out!


1. Share social moments 


Connecting with the people around you is key to your wellbeing, which is particularly important during challenging periods. We are social creatures and therefore self-isolating and social distancing can be difficult.

Even through lockdown, using online platforms means we can continue to see family, friends and colleagues. Whether it's on Zoom, FaceTime or even a phone call, be sure to keep in touch and stay connected.

James and Gemma founded OTO, so you could say wellness and wellbeing are somewhat in their wheelhouse! ⁠They are true inspirations and role models to all of us at OTO, and love sharing small moments with those around them.

When we asked what Gemma's go to wellness advice is, she said:⁠

Smiles and laughter! I put Florence and the Machine on really loudly and dance round the kitchen with Leo (my 3 year old) singing ‘you’ve got the love’! It’s Leo’s favourite song and it never fails to make me smile’.⁠

Smiling makes us feel good, and feeling good makes us smile, producing endorphins which help alleviate stress. Laughing is also a great way to release intense emotions and boost our immune system.⁠

For James, it’s all about taking the time to soak in and appreciate the small pleasures in life: ⁠

If it’s not receiving a big hug from a loved one - then it’s enjoying good wine, good music, and a good view’.⁠

Both social contact and exposure to nature are well known ways to boost mental health, general mood and wellbeing. They are simple ways to feel connected to the world around you. These moments may have been in shorter supply recently, but even picking up the phone or going for a quick stroll in the park can do the trick.⁠


2. Take care or your body


Introducing exercise into your routine has proven benefits – find a physical activity that you enjoy and that suits your level of mobility and fitness.

A balanced diet is equally important, as it can help increase energy levels,  improve feelings of wellbeing and happiness whilst also boosting your mental function and even enhancing memory.

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water too - Nigel, our Digital Director shares his short but effective top tip:

‘If you feel like snacking, drink a glass of water instead’.

Keeping hydrated is key to staying focused throughout the day. It’s also needed to help maintain the functioning of pretty much every system in the human body, from your heart to your brain and muscles. We’d say that’s definitely worth keeping on top of and find having a large refillable bottle on hand to do the trick. You can even pop in some fresh fruit and a dash of our CBD bitters to give it an extra health boosting twist. 

Rina, our Commercial Product & Planning Director personally loves yoga as a way to refocus and relax. She shares her top tips for practicing yoga at home - something she’s spent more time doing through lockdown:⁠

‘Yoga is where I feel balanced, especially during times like these. Bringing focus into my practice helps me remain present in my every day. Since practising more at home, I’ve added some personal touches by making the most of Spotify’s many playlists, burning fragrant candles and using our OTO Focus CBD Roll-On Oil’.⁠

Yoga has been practiced worldwide for centuries as a way to promote physical and mental wellbeing. Finding personal touches like your favourite music or scent to deepen your practice is a lovely way to take your self care routine to the next level. And we have to agree that our CBD roll-on oils are a perfect addition.


3. And your mind too! 


It’s important to keep mentally fit as well as physically, and while we may feel physically fine, everyday emotions can have an impact on our wellbeing. Our mind and body and very much interlinked, and one can and will affect the other. 

Small day-to-day activities can be undertaken to improve mental health, including: 

  • De-cluttering your space - a tidy home and workspace often equals a tidy mind, and can help us to feel more in control and less stressed
  • Being mindful of your surroundings and focusing on the present moment also helps you to feel grateful and thankful
  • Self-development, such as improving or learning a skill, helps develop levels of confidence, motivation and self-awareness


For OTO Account Manager Rachel, being  more present and enjoying the moment usually looks like this:

‘I love to spend Sunday afternoons cooking sugo (with enough to freeze for a very thankful future-me), it reminds me of my childhood and I feel very cathartic. I also enjoy making my Mum’s famous chicken soup - it really does heal the soul! Franco Manca pizza, enough said. I also like to read my favourite books and paint my nails’.⁠

Cooking is a great act of patience, mindfulness and outlet for creative expression. Reading is also a fantastic way to strengthen your brain, reduce stress and aid sleep. So it’s a big thumbs up from the whole team!⁠


4. Sleep 


Sleep is a cornerstone of what we want to help our community with at OTO. In busy or particularly stressful times, we like to say our motto is ‘work hard, sleep hard’. It allows our bodies to restore and repair. as well as our brains to consolidate our memories and process information. Poor sleep is linked to several physical problems, such as a weakened immune system, and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. 

Here are some useful tips to helping you get a good night's sleep:  

    • Cut caffeine out of your diet earlier in the day
    • Avoid screens 2 hours before sleeping, as the blue light emitted suppresses the secretion of melatonin (a sleep-inducing hormone)
    • Set the right temperature; sleep experts recommend between 15°C - 19°C. 
    • Remove distractions by blocking out light and noise where possible
    • Try keeping your phone out of reach when going to bed


Going on long walks can help improve your sleep, as our Marketing Manager Ellie explains:

‘My top tip would be to get outside into the countryside, breathe in some fresh air and explore! Each time I go on a walk, I always take a new route to mix it up. This allows me to discover areas I haven’t been to before, I come across beautiful scenery and it takes me on different adventures! It’s so important to get out of busy built-up cities and into open spaces to recharge my batteries’.

Going on walks can do wonders for your wellbeing – it has been shown to improve your mood and quality of sleep, whilst also reducing stress, anxiety and fatigue. That’s ticking a lot of our boxes!




Finally, we’ve developed several products using the power of CBD and complimentary natural botanicals that can really help relax and optimise your bedtime routine, from our award-winning Pillow Mist, to our brand new Sleep Drops!