By The Fire - OTO CBD Winter Cocktail

While the New Year is one of the most enjoyable times of the year, it can also be one of the most stressful. We teamed up  ‘Healthy Hedonist’ Camille Vidal of La Maison Wellness to create this mindful CBD Cocktail to help people to focus on the present and allow themselves to not be distracted or preoccupied with worries. 

This winter warmer combines optimum-strength CBD and a flourish of festive flavours to keep you balanced on the cold chilly evenings.


By The Fire | Balance 


3 large dashes OTO Bitters
10ml Hazelnut Syrup
100ml alcoholic or non-alcoholic Apple Cider
Garnish with Cinnamon + Star anise + nutmeg + orange wheel with cloves
Serve in a Teacup 



Heat all the ingredients over a low heat and serve