Lemon Sparkle - OTO CBD Winter Cocktails

OTO has partnered with ‘Healthy Hedonist’ Camille Vidal of La Maison Wellness, a mindful drinking expert, to create this signature CBD Winter Cocktail, designed to amplify your New Year soirees.

Using OTO’s optimum-strength CBD Cocktail Bitters and a combination of invigorating, palate cleansing ingredients (inspired by the traditional Italian cocktail, the Sgroppino), this cocktail promises to bring an extra spark of joy to the start of the year.


Lemon Sparkler | Amplify


Scoop lemon sorbet
3 large dashes OTO Bitters
Top with alcoholic or non-alcoholic sparkling wine 

Garnish with Lime Zest + Rosemary
Serve in a Coupette 



Add a scoop of lemon sorbet into a glass, pour over sparkling wine and add three large dashes of OTO CBD Bitters